Winning Condition

Type in the following line to claim your win.

Your Session Has Expired

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: 3695 players have played this game thus far, among which 705 players have won this game. The latest win was achieved 1 day and 10 hours ago. Refresh the page to have the statistics updated.

Alternatively, if win is not what you seek, you may also write something here for the future win-seekers to see:

Your Session Has Expired
You are the winner #
Your completion time is 0.000s
Player #3653 (86.42.38.***) said on Sun, 07 Jul 2024 18:01:10 +0000:
I wish to find true love
Player #3688 (66.76.14.***) said on Thu, 25 Jul 2024 21:26:17 +0000:
I, as player #3688, hereby proclaim that I want to win this game
* This game is read-only for deactivated players.